Monthly Theme:
I was to collaborate and participate in the 30 Days of Bible Lettering challenge by hand lettering daily verses! I really wanted to focus on my ability to portray sentences of words, not just short two or three word strings. Though the project was difficult, I’m really happy with the results, and excited to share these top 5 verses of the month. Be sure to check out the rest of the month’s designs here.
1. Give Thanks to the Lord – Psalm 136:1
His love endures forever.
In the book of Psalm, this phrase is repeated 26 times in this verse, declaring the never ending love of Christ. I think the repetition is to establish the eternality and steadfastness of this promise, that this love is one that has no end and has no limit. This design was particularly fun to work on, utilizing the brush lettering that my style has become known for, and applying a 3D floating text effect over the gold foil cube.
2. The Lord is On My Side – Psalm 118:6
The Lord is on my side! Wanted to take you into my lettering process for today’s post! Using procreate, I sketch out the words I’ll be lettering in a general outline, focusing on capturing the form/flow. Then, I create guidelines and move through to slowly perfect each letter. Finally, I’ll add some shading and special elements to polish off the look! This whole piece was crafted using the standard 6B pencil brush in Procreate. I try not to spend too much time in these daily lettering challenges, but pieces like this really carry me away!!
Definitely check out the Instagram post for this one, where I share detailed photos bringing you into my process of lettering these pieces (the last frame is even a full time lapse!). Lettering these designs can take quite a bit of time, but when they end up like this it all seems worth it.
3. In This Hope – Romans 8:24
“For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.”
Brush lettering clusters are some of my favorite pieces, working in the directional brushstrokes and spatter to make the text form together. I think hand lettering is so exciting to me because I feel you can go so far beyond words to capture the tone and expression of a word or phrase, giving you that much more insight on the messaging. Plus, I just love the all caps brush lettering style.
4. All Things Work Together – Romans 8:28
Recently had conversation with our apartment maintenance guy on this topic… hardships make purpose feel foggy, and the easy answer is to feel that there must NOT be a reason for what goes on in your life. But, take a moment to look back. Smooth seas never made a skillful sailor, and in life it takes the nightmare to appreciate not being it it. It may seem that you’re lost in darkness, but hold fast. There is a plan, and perspective will be granted in time.
Apart from being the name of Lecrae’s tour (which I was honored to create these ads for), “All things work together” is the promise of a bigger picture. So, I really wanted to capture that message in an intertwining script design. Crafting the flow and layering of this effect takes time, but the end result is well worth it! I love how the textures and shadows make this feel so composed and whole.
5. Our Victory – 1 Corinthians 15:57
Our victory is in Christ!
Christ’s side is that of victory… it is already won! This 30 Days of Bible Lettering challenge has taught me TONS on combining phrases together in a cohesive design. Biggest tip I learned was in super rough sketches to start out with. Don’t worry about fonts or ligatures in the beginning, just capture the general flow and composition of your design, and worry about fonts and exact forms later. So excited to continue sharing with you on this journey!
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